josendong 2022-05-17 9:46 3637
PM Stepper Motor / 15BY / 15BY-515BY-5This kind of stepper motor is generally used in automated equipment such as printers, scanners, cameras, medical instr...

PM Stepper Motor / 15BY / 15BY-5

05-17 09:463637
  • 产品编号:3
  • 产品归类: PM Stepper Motor 15BY
  • 15BY-5 This kind of stepper motor is generally used in automated equipment such as printers, scanners, cameras, medical instruments, household electrical appliances.
  • 在线购买在线咨询
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PM Stepper Motor  /  15BY  /  15BY-5



This kind of stepper motor is generally used in automated equipment such as printers, scanners, cameras, medical instruments, household electrical appliances.



Wiring Diagram:

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